Testclips in HD-quality
smalfilm - regular8 - super8 - 16mm
Film description
1 - This film shows how much better a FlashscanHD is at handling film splices compared to all other hardware available. Splices that are not 100% perfect will give a long delay of the film height, but this is avoided thanks to the laser steadiness of the FlashscanHD.
2 - FlashscanHD is the only filmscanner that can transfer films with extreme damages. This is a clip in slowmotion that shows how the FlashscanHD can pass through eight frames that have extreme damages to the perforation. Without the laser stadiness the damaged frames would have had to be removed before the film could have been transferred.
3 - A testfilm in HD-quality in 1280x720, transferred with the FlashscanHD from super 8 film.
3 - A testfilm in HD-quality in 1280x720, transferred with the FlashscanHD from super 8 film..